I have attempted to write this blog three times. This is the fourth and last attempt. Perhaps it is a subject so important the enemy is fighting me every step of the way. I now have a time constraint since I am picking up my beautiful little princess in less than an hour. So disregard the spelling and grammatical errors and hear my heart this morning.
Yesterday, I received an email from a friend and sister in Christ that rocked my world for a few hours. There was an assault on my character and I was challenged to examine the motives of my heart. After reading this email,I recognized the anger and the pain I felt upon reading these words from a fellow believer. It is not necessary for me to share details of the circumstances or events that led to this message. It is necessary that I address the wounds that were triggered and seek God as to how to handle this situation which has arisen.
I almost decided to miss the mid-week prayer service at church last night but felt it might be the place I would find some peace in dealing with this new development in my life. I was not disappointed. As it says in Psalm 119:130 "His Word gives entrance to light and understanding to the simple." I was in need of a Word from Him that would bring me to a place of rest and trust in Him.
We have been practiving Lectio Divina,which involves meditating on one verse of scripture and finding where this scripture touches our lives at the present time. How convenient for my most recent distressful circumstance. The scripture chosen was Psalm 20:7-8 which speaks of trusting in the name of the Lord. The final question asked was "What do you believe God wants you to do as a result of hearing this Word?"
My response was "Eyes on Him, not on other people or circumstances" This morning I wanted to get my focus in the right place so I decided to take the suggestion of scripture and "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10) After getting my coffee and sitting quietly before Him for about 20 minutes, my eyes fell on a book I had tried to read earlier but just couldnt find any interest in at the time. The title, Hippo in the Garden, had intrigued me when I bought it. I just kept feeling compelled to pick it up and read. What was the subject of the first chapters? It shouldnt have been a surprise to me but as I read, I felt the tears streaming down my face. The subject was "How to Hear God's Voice."
It wasnt too many pages into the book until the author began to tell of a situation that arose between he and another believer and shared a scripture that gave entrance of light into my heart. Genesis 13:8 "So Abram said to Lot, Let there be no strife, I beg of you, between you and me... for we are brethren." Again, the tears came as I realized the plan of the enemy to introduce strife not only into my relationship with this sister but into a specific ministry and into our church.
As I continued reading, the author compared the members of the body of Christ to individual puzzle pieces that fit together to make up a beautiful picture of the love of Christ. A picture immediately came into my mind. The picture I had taken at my granddaughter's dance recital on Saturday. She and her favorite friend at dance school were working a puzzle together while waiting on their time to dance for us. Two little princesses, heads together, intent on their task of making a beautiful picture. As you look at this picture which I have shared along with these thoughts, will you join me in asking God to show you how we as women are called to edify, build up and join together to portray the love of Christ. In childlike faith will you join me in asking Him how to respond to another in the body of Christ when offense comes? We are called His daughters, royalty, princesses, waiting to dance before Him around His very throne one day.
I havent yet found the entire answer of how he wants me to respond to this precious sister, but I have found my way to His feet and to the One who has the answer. I believe if I continue to meditate on this picture of two beautiful princesses preparing to dance, He will be faithful to pull the pieces of the puzzle together for me and I will soon have entire picture and know how to respond in love. He seems to be saying to me, "I hope you dance... with ME, let me lead... I will make all things beautiful in time."
I want His heart to feel like 'bursting with pride' when I meet Him face to face, the same way my heart burst with pride when my special little princess finally danced for us on the stage. Take the lead, Lord Jesus.