We are on a journey ladies to our freedom in Christ. I believe this journey is found in a personal relationship with Him. Personal relationship means just that. It will be as personal and as varied as there are people He has created to have relationship with Him.
In September, I began writing a book. This has been a dream of mine for a long time. It is somewhat like a memoir and gives personal accounts of the painful journey of healing from sexual scars in my life. It will hopefully point other women to the hope and victory we have in Christ.One thing I felt God impressed upon me in my journey towards healing was my need to know who I am in Christ.
Having studied the book of Ephesians a few years ago, I learned phrases like "accepted in the Beloved" and "chosen before the foundation of the world" along with "seated in heavenly places". I admit these have often seemed like mere words or phrases with no real meaning. On my journey to freedom, I am finding these phrases are sinking deep into my spirit and becoming more real to me as I trust Him with the broken and dark recesses of my heart. My prayer is that as I invite Him into those places, I will be transformed and become REAL,AUTHENTIC and true to His original design for me.
When we let go of the world's images and how we are encouraged to look and behave and allow Him to show us His original plan and purpose for our lives, we will find the freedom and authenticity that have seemed completely out of reach.
I am sure you are all aware of the strong pull all around us to fit into the mold that society thrusts into our living rooms and onto the pages of every magazine, book cover and billboard around us.For those of us affected by sexual sin whether in our past or present, we often respond out of our emotions and unsurrendered, unhealed areas of our hearts. I picture some of the broken and wounded women I have spoken with building a bonfire and vigilante style taking torches to these daily reminders of how objectified women have become in our society. I am tempted to do the same.
In the past, when I have thought of "being seated with Him in heavenly places", it seemed unattainale. Shame and guilt can keep us from feeling we have a place here on earth and therefore,having a seat in heaven seems an impossibility.
My dream to write a book was originally birthed out of the following scripture, "For[as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God.(Colossians 3:3) I remember this scripture jumping off the page at me and then for several years wondering what it really meant to be hidden with Christ.
When we are hidden with Him in that secret place of an intimate relationship, we are much like a baby in the womb. Just as the umbilical cord provides the nourishment a fetus needs, we can be nourished by a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He provides a place that is protected from the harsh realities of the world. We all remember what it is like to see a baby come into the world and the shock it must be to their system to come out into the bright lights and the "all eyes on me" experience after being hidden away in that comfortable place within the womb.
Think of the last time someone in your family, circle of friends or even an advertisement on television left you feeling less than capable, "not good enough, thin enough or bright enough." We often feel we are trying to measure up to an invisible standard that constantly keeps changing.
Remember how visitors come to see the newborns in the hospital,gazing at all the babies and making comparisons. Oh,look at that one with the.... and what about that one, isn't she...? When we are born into this world of sin, we are forced out into the place of dealing with the brokenness that comes from original sin and we seem to spend most of our lives trying to cover ourselves and the shame that accompanies our entry into a sin filled world.
When we enter this world the battle begins for our hearts. We must shed all the expectations of others and every negative mindset we have allowed into our hearts. The Bible says that as a woman thinks in her heart so is she.... We were not made to fit into this world. We were made for His pleasure and we belong hidden in the Lord Jesus. Women have asked me how they can shed the shame, get rid of the guilt, and shake the negative image? I have struggled with it my entire life. I believe the answer is always in His Word.
Think of these pictures in His Word and allow yourself to feel "hidden in Him."
Imagine yourself hidden in His heart, tattooed on His hand, seated with Him in heaven, enfolded by His arms,under His giant wings.
Now, picture yourself looking into the mirror at your own reflection. If we are made in His image, what does that really mean? Does Jesus really look like the pictures we have seen since childhood? Obviously that is someone else's rendering of Him.
What is our individual image of Him? When I think of Jesus, the lover of my soul, I suppose I superimpose His image over someone or something that speaks of love to me. Like the woman I spoke with yesterday who finds Him in her garden or in the quiet moments of prayer. My friend in Ohio who hears Him in the bird's song. My own picture of His love is never clearer than the hugs, the kisses and the laughter of my grandchildren.
How do we become hidden with Him in God the Father? How do we begin to take on His character and become His eyes of love, His hands of mercy, His feet that walk into the painful places? I believe it is in coming to know Him intimately.
How does that happen? I believe it is as varied as there are women He created. He made each one of us so unique and created us with gifts that open the door to our hearts. Maybe you feel hidden in that secret place and filled with His comfort when you hold a kitten in your arms. Perhaps its when you are baking a cake and feel that completeness and satisfaction in making something special for someone you love. It could be when you sing a song from the past or catch a fish that reminds you of a warm and meaningful time.
HE created us in His image.When we see Him in all of creation... in our five senses...in nature, song, dance, tears, laughter... When we see Him everywhere and take our eyes off the things of this world, it is like re-entering the womb and the safety of being hidden with Him in that secret place.That is where we are seated with Him in heavenly places. What is more heavenly to you than anything this world has to offer? What did He create in you that makes you feel Free from the world's unrealistic expectations and FREE to be the authentic person you were meant to be since before the foundations of the world? That is where you will find the image of Christ stamped on your life.
Ask Him to show you where you can find the nourishment, protection, the fulfillment and satisfaction of being hidden in Him.