It's been a few years since I was introduced to the ministry of Rob Bell. My first experience with his teaching and ministry was through his short video vignettes with simple titles like Rain, Luggage, and Store. Each packed such a punch in such a short time, I immediately wanted to purchase the entire set and share them with anyone who would listen to me go on and on about the giftedness of this young pastor. He can be found on the Internet by googling his name or NOOMA if you are interested in seeing some examples of the vignettes which cover topics like forgiveness, anger, shame, love. All one word subjects with deep ramifications for how our lives are working.
I own many books and had to come up with a way to organize them for easy access. I have one shelf of books that it seemed didn't fit any particular category. On this shelf is a book by Rob Bell titled SEX GOD. I remember the day I found it and his other book titled Velvet Elvis. I was drawn to the titles and of course curious about the subject nature of SEX GOD. Turning it over to the back side, I read the following words, “SEX GOD is about relationships revealed in a way that elevates the human condition and offers hope to those whose relationships are wounded.” Not at all what I expected but definitely intriguing! Both books found their way into my home that day. This morning I picked up this book, for what reason I had no idea...just that same curiosity as the day I bought it. I read it through immediately upon purchasing it and found some really profound thoughts and ideas about how our sexuality and spirituality are connected. Perhaps you will have the same initial reaction I had upon reading on the front cover that there are endless connections between the two. I beg you to stay with me for one or two thoughts in the first two chapters as I attempt to share what I feel God highlighted for me as I reread about being disconnected.
First a quote from the last page of chapter two, “You can't be connected with God until you're at peace with who you are. If you're still upset that God gave you this body or this life or this family or these circumstances, you will never be able to connect with God in a healthy, thriving, sustainable sort of way. You'll be at odds with your maker.”
The way I see it after rereading the first two chapters This is really about That and God Wears Lipstick (hoping to pique your interest again), until we come to terms with who we are and what we are here for, it will be impossible for us to accept others and the way God has made them and the lives they are supposed to live here on this earth. Ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, there has been a disconnect. Whether we feel disconnected from those of our family, our church, those of the opposite sex, it's all the same. The disconnect came as the first man and woman chose their own way. They were immediately disconnected from each other and from the earth. They were disconnected from their Maker, the one after whom they had been fashioned.
We actually arrive on the scene where there is already a disconnect and spend our lives longing for a connection. Sometimes we find it briefly in an experience with nature.. a day on the beach observing God's magnificent waves and the sand between our toes. Or perhaps, we hear a piece of music that touches something deep within and we feel connected to another from our past or present for the moment. Ever enjoyed a movie where you could hear others around you sniffling and knew they were wiping tears from their eyes the same as you? You feel a connectedness, though you don't know their name or where they are from. Still, you relish the few moments of being of one mind and heart.
As I read through the first chapters I copied the following words into my journal. I felt they were screaming at me to pay attention. “How you treat the creation reflects how you feel about the Creator.” This quote from the book followed a story about a gift Rob had made his father at age 5 from scraps he found in an alley one Christmas. He realized as a grown man visiting his father's office, it held a place of importance on his father's desk. I immediately thought of notes and drawings that grace my frig, given to me by my grandchildren. Some of them have been there for years, held precariously by magnets, for just the same reason. Of course, I was also reminded of my need to see the stamp of the image of God on each and every person I meet and instead of looking at the ways they are different from myself, recognize how deeply connected we really are as human beings.
The second quote that made it into my journal was this, “When I respect the image of God in others, I protect the image of God in me.” There is too much in this one statement to write about in one blog. The implications are vast and I spent some time thinking about them this morning. One additional thought concerning His image-bearers... fellow image-bearers are just like me. When I love them, I love God. If you are reading between the lines like myself, you are probably realizing where some of your “disconnectedness” lies.
I'm quite sure you have been wondering when I would share something about the SEX---GOD connection. We must rethink our definition of sexuality. I give you these quotes from the book as food for thought....
“For many, sexuality is simply what happens between two people involving physical pleasure. But that's only a small percentage of what sexuality is. Our sexuality is all of the ways we strive to reconnect with our world, with each other, and with God.”
If this brought to your mind thoughts of “casual sex” or “its just sex”... think about these next thoughts from the book.
“You can be having sex with many, and yet you're alone. And the more sex you have,the more alone you are.”
“And its possible to be sleeping alone, and to be very sexual. Connected with many.”
“It's also possible to be married to somebody and sharing the same bed and be very disconnected.”
I will add these thoughts of my own as a final note, hoping I've provoked you to thoughts about connectedness.
One can sit among friends and family and feel very alone.
One can have hopes, dreams and visions and feel no one cares that God put them there.
We hurt others, gossip about others, and fail to forgive others who bear His image. Until we identify the place where things were disconnected in our own hearts, we are never going to be able to restore connectivity with those around us. And most of all we will remain disconnected from God, our Maker.
I pray these thoughts God put on my heart today will somewhere intersect with the thoughts He has been impressing on your heart. I pray He will create one of those moments when suddenly you feel you recognize the connectedness we all have as we journey through this time together here on this earth. Our time here is so precious and dear. Will you join me, even remind me, to look for that image He has stamped on every one of His creations? I thank God He has made you a part of my journey!!!!