Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Why Am I Chosen? (Lesson 3 of My Identity in Christ)

 Let's do a quick review of the previous lesson before beginning today. In the first three verses of Ephesians 1 we learned that God has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing that is in the heavenly realm. In His love, God actually chose us, picked us out for Himself before the foundations of the earth. In verse 10, we read of God's plan in the fullness of time, when the time is ripe, to gather us to Himself where we will spend eternity with Him forever. The consummation of His great plan will be a glorious gathering of all those who belong to Him to live for eternity as His chosen ones.
Many questions may come to mind as you read the first fourteen verses of Ephesians 1. Perhaps you ask yourself when you receive these spiritual blessings. All these blessings were poured out on the Son, Jesus Christ, and held “in Him” until the day of your Redemption. On the day in which you trust in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, these blessings are lavished upon you. Long ago, before man or angels or any living thing was created, the Triune God settled on this plan and it was complete.

Take a look at the past tense used in verses 3-14. He “hath blessed us,” “hath chosen,” “having predestinated us,” hath made us accepted,” “we have redemption,” “hath abounded toward us,” “having made known unto us the mystery,” “have obtained an inheritance,” “were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,” and finally, “were given the earnest (down payment) of our inheritance.”

You may ask how these blessings come to you. As you read the first 14 verses, pay attention and perhaps mark the many references to our Mediator, Jesus Christ. He hath blessed us “by Jesus Christ,”

“through Jesus Christ,” “ in Christ,” and “in the Beloved.” Jesus, the God-Man, who came in human flesh made it possible for God's plan to be realized in your life.

You might ask, “Why did He choose me to be the recipient of all these spiritual blessings?” Knowing the mistakes and failures in my life and even the doubts and fears I've had in accepting His love for me, why would He choose me, a broken and struggling individual like myself? I love the Living Bible's translation of the answer to this question.

“Moreover, because of what Christ has done, we have become gifts to God that he delights in, for as part of God's sovereign plan we were chosen from the beginning to be His....” (v. 11)

Imagine for a moment a time when you received a treasured gift you'd longed to possess and the excitement you felt at that moment. I don't have to think far into the past to get a picture of that kind of experience. My grandson received a cherished gift for his ninth birthday just yesterday. His obvious pleasure was evident in the large smile and the light in his eyes. But, I'd like to focus on the words that followed. “Now, we don't have to work anymore to get this!” You see, he and his sister had spent time at home and at my house doing chores to earn enough money to buy this prized possession. While their responsibility to do chores is not over, they have realized the satisfaction of what they longed for.

Now, allow yourself to picture your person, your life as that perfect gift God has longingly waited for, gift wrapped with care and filled with all that will delight and bring pleasure to God. He actually chose you to be His gift before the foundations of the earth. ( the When) He longingly waited for you to choose His free gift of His Son Jesus Christ, the free gift of salvation. ( the How) All the beautiful attributes, gifts and blessings that are “you” were held “in Him” until your day of Redemption. You have, in a sense, been wrapped up in the package of the Lord Jesus Christ since before God created the heavens and the earth.

Picture God the Father, unwrapping a package, a long awaited gift, with excitement in His eyes and a delighted smile on His face. You are just what He wanted and planned for. You are the person He chose to lavish with all the spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus, the Son.

Now, remind yourself you no longer have to work to find the delight of His smile,the pleasure in His eyes. He chose you to be His gift because He delighted in you before you were ever born. ( the Why)

Ask God to open your heart to trust in His great plan. Choose Him. Give Him the opportunity to open the package that is “you” and show forth His glory which has been His plan for your life since before time as we know it began.

Lesson 4 can be found at on the page titled Heart Peace. If you or anyone you know has been looking for help in the areas of domestic violence, addiction or struggles with pornography, child sexual abuse or just need healing of wounds from past experiences of life, check out the Links and Resources page.

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