Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sexual Addiction or Just Dabbling?

Today on Turn Around Dr. Tim Clinton of American Association of Christian Counselors discussed the problem of sexual addiction. He called it one of the greatest prolems facing the church today. An estimated 50% of Christian men are looking at porn on a regular basis, while 33% of Christian women are also viewing porn. Mark Laaser, founder of Faithful and True ministries, spoke candidly of his own battle with sexual addiction and the intervention and deliverance he experienced from the painful effects of bondage to sexual sin. His ministry is for those desiring sexual integrity in a fallen world. I felt his thoughts were worthy of sharing. How do we know if someone is truly a sexual addict or if they are just dabbling in porn or sexual sin? His answer---A person has a sexual addiction if he/she keeps participating in the sin in spite of their desire to stop or in spite of the devastating effects it is having on their relationships, occupation, finances, etc...The word he used most often to describe one who is sexually addicted was "unmanageable". He explained the chemical reaction in the brain of someone who views porn and masturbates. There are chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin that produce a high that is pleasureable to the addict. Just as with other addictions such as alcohol and drugs one becomes tolerant to the material being viewed and reaches for a greater high. As the brain becomes tolerant, the person who views porn will try to create a greater high by viewing increasingly more sinister materials. That person will then find themselves viewing things and desiring things they never thought possible when they were first drawn into the sin. And yes, viewing porn is sin and it is adultery. According to the scriptures, "if a man looks on a woman to lust after her, he has created adultery in his heart." Laaser and Clinton agreed that the sin of sexual addiction can then lead to rebelliousness, broken relationships, and broken lives.The lie that one believes when viewing pornography is 'one day I will see a picture that will fill this hole in me' (Laaser) Believing that one can find the pleasure of relationship in a picture is false intimacy. Intimacy with one's marriage partner is sacrificed and leaves the partner with feelings of inadequacy, anger and feelings of rejection. Laaser was asked how does one get out? His answer:Thousands of couples are dealing with this issue. You are not alone. You have to get honest and open. Statistics show that 98% of those who are honest about the problem have marriages that survive. The honest of a spouse and his/her struggles seems to give the spouse a spirit of hope in working through the issues.Two scriptures were given by Tim Clinton in reference to the sin of sexul addiction. I Thessalonians 4:3-4 "For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication; that everyone of you should know how to possess your vessel in sanctification and honor."Proverbs 5:3 "For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two edged sword.'Finally, Tim Clinton spoke to an issue I have been questioned about repeatedly as a counselor. This is a sin that cannot be 'tolerated'. God will give you the boldness to address this and draw a line in the sand. If you are dealing with the sexual sin of a mate, you must ask God to give you the courage to confront and demand a change. His last words were... "God is for you.... He can turn it around."

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