Monday, September 13, 2010

Lesson 6 Accepted in the Beloved

“To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. “ Ephesians 1:6

At the point of your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, you are accepted by God the Father. There is no other place of acceptance except in the Son of God. As we see in this verse, God's motivation is always His glorious grace. All the spiritual blessings we have talked about so far are free gifts of God's grace.

Charis (5485), the word grace in the original Greek, means joy, favor, acceptance , a kindness granted or desired, a benefit, thanks, gratitude, grace. A favor done without expectation of return; absolute freeness of the loving-kindness of God to men, finding its only motive in the bounty and freeheartedness of the Giver; unearned and unmerited favor. God is the Giver, we simply receive His free gift of grace by faith.

Charis stands in direct antithesis to erga (2041), which means works, the two being mutually exclusive. God's grace affects man's sinfulness and not only forgives the repentant sinner, but brings joy, thankfulness, and acceptance to him.

When you accept Christ, you are no longer under the law of the Old Covenant. You are now under the covenant of grace. “Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under the law, but under grace.” (Romans 6:14) The New Covenant in Christ's blood, spoken of by Jesus at the Last Supper, had its origin in the wonderful grace of God. With His grace working in us, all the promises of the blessing can be fulfilled and experienced by those who believe.

Grace came by Jesus Christ to deliver us from the bondage and dominion of sin. It's work is twofold.

Full pardon and the righteousness, or right standing with God, and acceptance into God's favor and relationship with Him are first. This is the redemption spoken of in the Bible. Second, throughout our lives, grace will forever put an end to thoughts of merit, work and worthiness.

Two important points as we close our lesson today. Grace is the power that moves the heart of God in its compassion and love to accept us as sinners, it is also the power that moves our hearts and provides us as believers everything we need to love God and accept His will for our lives.

Lesson 7 and 8 on Redemption. Don't miss this vital piece of our study of your identity in Christ. Lesson 8 continues with the subject of Redemption on the web site at today Sept. 13, 2010. Archived lessons here at Unveil my Heart will be in descending order... lesson 7 last one in archives, 6 before that one and so on. There are two lessons on some archives indicated by the (2) beside the date.

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